Home Fat freezing results Experiences The CoolSculpting experience of Karlijn Visser
In 2018, Karlijn Visser of the blog Holistik had the opportunity to undergo a CoolSculpting treatment. When she received information about freezing localized fat cells, she got excited and took on the “ice cold” challenge.
A little vanity doesn’t hurt. Provided you don’t confuse this with life happiness or use your appearance as an identity. CoolSculpting is just a really nice gift for yourself that you can enjoy for a long time
Karlijn Visser
“As a big cold person, I have a love/hate relationship with the cold. And as much as I can resent the cold, I also know that low temperatures can provide a major breakthrough. For example, last year I went underwater in Wim Hof’s ice bath. An experience never to forget and never to repeat. Far too cold. Recently I was confronted with something cold again. This time it was the slurping head of the CoolSculpting device, which sucked at my belly and flanks.”
“Fat freezing is a high-tech way to tackle stubborn fat. It’s not a way to lose weight. In fact, if you come to an intake meeting and tell us that losing weight is your goal, you will immediately be changed mind. CoolSculpting is all about shaping.
‘It is important that you have had a stable weight for a long time, otherwise it is difficult to measure the effect of the treatment’ Gytha tells me. ‘If necessary; lose weight first, then treat is my advice’. Gytha de Mol is chief medical officer at one of Coolsculpting Kliniek’s locations. She has a background as a nurse and is currently passionately committed to fighting fat cells.
When, in her opinion, you qualify for treatment? If you can squeeze it, you can freeze it. That combined with a stable weight and a stable mind gives a green light. Because encouraging people to conform to a certain ideal image is not what Gytha wants.
It reassures me that she has a young adult daughter herself, and can therefore relate well to the vulnerable area in which she works with women. A little vanity doesn’t hurt. Provided you don’t confuse this with life happiness or use your appearance as an identity. It’s just a really nice gift for yourself that you can enjoy for a long time.”
“CoolSculpting is a freezing method, also known as cryotherapy, to get rid of (small) rolls that you can’t exercise or diet against. The goal is to sculpt the body. Hence, with my size 36/38, I was perfectly eligible for treatment.
I tested CoolSculpting on two areas treated simultaneously over 35 minutes. It is the sweet, non-invasive sister of liposuction, but without surgery or anesthesia. After the treatment, you immediately pick up your life again. Sports, cycling, cuddling. Everything is allowed. Just be careful with turmeric, ginger and garlic. These foods have an anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce the shedding of frozen and broken fat cells. By the way, the disposal can take up to 12 weeks. Therefore, after freezing the fat, you will not have an immediate visible result. Patience is a beautiful thing.”
“Two weeks later I cycled to Gytha for the follow-up checkup. I was very curious about the result I waited 3 months for. I had the fat on my flanks (I was always bothered in bikini by that cutting edge between waist and buttocks) and abdomen frozen and have lost 25% of the treated area prove the after photos show. Yes!
The removed fat cells also never come back (see here some before and after photos of the different areas people have had treated). Why this experience is a breakthrough for me? As you (the reader of Holistik) may know, I have not always had a positive body image. I found myself “too fat” by default in my adolescence, something that resulted in an eating problem. Standing on the scale I did every day, but never in front of others. There was far too much shame in that.
Before Gytha started the treatment, I was weighed. Just like in the post-check. This is to ensure that 3 months later the client is the same weight as on the day of treatment. This allows the final result to be viewed as fairly as possible. Now that I was standing on the scale at Gytha as an adult I still found it exciting. And at the same time, I found that with some effort, I could embrace my body and weight, without having ugly thoughts about it at a glance in the mirror.
I am proud of myself for undergoing this treatment. Not only because I am currently looking at myself with a different body image, but also because I have found that an inch more or less ultimately makes no difference in how I feel. Still, it brings a smile when I see myself in my bikini; with just a little less cut edges here and there.”
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