Home Double chin removal
Do you want to get rid of and remove your double chin without surgery? Very understandable! With our CoolSculpting technique we can permanently remove your double chin in a painless and safe way through freezing. The treatment is scientifically proven and has FDA approval. An easy alternative to getting rid of the double chin!
On many blogs you can find exercises to train your double chin. This is then often accompanied by the promise of removing your double chin. Often these exercises focus on using the jaw and neck muscles. With these exercises you will indeed burn calories, but it gives absolutely no guarantee that the fat in your double chin will disappear. Indeed, there is no specific exercise to get rid of your double chin. Just like you can’t burn local fat on the belly or buttocks. CoolSculpting cryolipolysis does allow you to target fat locally.
The experiences to reduce your double chin by freezing are positive. The procedure is small, safe, and involves no recovery time. The special applicator we work with at CoolSculpting Clinic allows us to treat specific areas very precisely. So with that freezing your double chin!
Dootjenootje went for a follow-up checkup at CoolSculpting Clinic. In this video, she shows how before and after photos are taken to evaluate whether the treatment helped. Again, a nice result was achieved.
Cryolipolysis is a technique for removing chin fat without surgery. By freezing the double chin fat cells are selectively disposed naturally by the body. We are experts in safely freezing your double chin.
A double chin usually consists mostly of fatty tissue. We freeze your double chin, after which the fat cells in your chin will break down. As a result, the broken down fat cells can no longer absorb new fat, reducing the volume of your double chin. The frozen fat cells are naturally disposed of by your body.
So good news: no surgery is needed to remove your double chin. Once the fat cells are frozen they do not come back so your double chin is permanently removed.
Are you also curious about how a Cryolipolysis treatment to remove your double chin works? After you make an appointment we will ask you to complete a short medical questionnaire. This way we can prepare your personalized treatment plan and you will be aware of what is expected of you when freezing the double chin. During the appointment we will give you a friendly welcome and go over the personalized treatment plan again. On average a treatment to freeze your double chin takes 35 minutes. After the treatment you have no recovery time, so you can return to work immediately. However we do like to schedule a checkup appointment after 12 weeks to see the results.
CoolSculpting costs are on average around €400 per placement. CoolSculpting Kliniek is the only provider of the FDA-approved cryolipolysis treatment. When treated with Allergan’s official CoolSculpting equipment, you are assured of quality and safety. Some providers have lower rates, but do not work with official equipment and not under the supervision of a cosmetic doctor. Therefore choose a safe and competitive price.
Look closely at our discounts. This autumn we have a nice additional discount.